Movino consists of:
- A broadcasting application for Symbian S60 phones
- A broadcasting application for camera phones with J2ME support
- A GUI application and a QuickTime component for Mac OS X
- A video server for Linux
- A web interface based on the Drupal CMS
Philosophy Link to heading
These applications are available as open source (part GPL, part LGPL licensed). They were originally developed as a course project at Åbo Akademi University. Please do not expect them to automagically grow much beyond their current state, as our primary goals are met at this point and we have limited resources to spend. Continue reading »
Flexibility Link to heading
The components are built with as little inter-dependencies as possible, since one of the project goals was to avoid targeting a single use case, but instead create fairly flexible tools suitable for a wider range of tasks:
- The phone clients can be used directly with a video server without any OS X computer inbetween.
- The video server can be used without web interface, if you just want to archive the video material.
- The phone client can be used with the OS X components without a dedicated linux based video server.
Authors Link to heading
- Martin Storsjö
- S60 client, OS X components, video server
- Johannes Berg
- J2ME client
- Tom Sundström
- Web interface
- Johan Waaramäki
- Documentation